Sunrise procedure When you apply for a domain name during Sunrise (7 December 2005 – 7 April 2006), you have to follow a procedure that is slightly more complicated than normal. In fact, during Sunrise, applicants will have to prove a prior right which entitles them to claim the corresponding domain name. You can check if you are eligible to apply during Sunrise in the table under our “Sunrise & Land Rush” section.
The first steps are exactly as in the Land rush procedure:
1. Choose a name, making sure it is still available, not blocked or reserved, and meets the technical requirements.
2. Choose an accredited .eu Registrar
3. At the time of your application
- Provide your Registrar with the necessary details.
- Lend your explicit agreement to the general Terms and Conditions (your Registrar will ask you to agree in writing or on line).
- State the type of prior right you'll be claiming (and indicate under which Member State's law it was granted)
- Determine who will be your Document Handling Agent, in charge of handling the documentary evidence you'll need to provide in order to support your claim to a prior right. This can be the Registrant i.e. yourself; or your Registrar; or another party (e.g. your lawyers).
4. The Registrant or his DHA receives an e-mail from the Registry. This mail confirms receipt of their application and contains instructions on how to send in their documentary evidence.
5. The documentary evidence goes to the Validation Agent (PricewaterhouseCoopers, or a Government Validation Point if the Registrant is a Public Body) for validation.
6. The Validation Agent assesses the documentary evidence provided, starting with the first application it received for a given name.
7. If the evidence supplied does prove the claimed prior right, the application is accepted and the domain is activated after a 40 day waiting period. Attention! For Public Bodies, the procedure is similar but validation is different. Please refer to our Public Bodies section!