Domain names applied for during Sunrise for which applications have expired or been rejected will only be made available for general registration some time after Landrush has started.
A certain domain name can only be released after all the applications for this domain name have expired or have been rejected and provided that the quarantine period has passed.
These domain names will be released and made available before the end of June 2006. The list of these domain names, including the dates of their release, will be announced at least two weeks in advance on the EURid website. Later on EURid plans to release more domain names that were unsuccessfully applied for in Sunrise at regular intervals.
The released names will again be available to anybody interested, on a “first come, first served” basis. Please note that having applied for a .eu domain name in the Sunrise period does not give you special rights when applying for the same domain name again. (after it has been released) . Should you wish to acquire the same .eu domain name, please contact your registrar.